아이돌차트 소개


'아차랭킹'은 국내가수의 음원/음반/방송/SNS/포털 등의 빅데이터를 종합적으로 분석하여 한주간 가장 화제가 된 가수를 한 눈에 확인할 수 있습니다.


'평점랭킹'은 팬들이 만드는 차트로 국내가수의 객관적인 수치를 구하기 힘든 팬덤 회원들의 성향과 규모 및 충성도 등을 측정하는 지표입니다.

포인트 안내

레벨 및 경험치(EXP) 안내

1일 1회 - 로그인시 EXP 10+, 평점투표 참여시 EXP 10+, 게시물 작성 EXP 10+

  • 1~10레벨 레벨업 필요 경험치 10
  • 10~20레벨 레벨업 필요 경험치 15
  • 20~30레벨 레벨업 필요 경험치 20
  • 30~40레벨 레벨업 필요 경험치 25
  • 40~50레벨 레벨업 필요 경험치 30
  • 50~60레벨 레벨업 필요 경험치 35
  • 60~70레벨 레벨업 필요 경험치 40
  • 70~80레벨 레벨업 필요 경험치 45
  • 80~90레벨 레벨업 필요 경험치 50
  • 90~99레벨 레벨업 필요 경험치 55
  • 99~100레벨 레벨업 필요 경험치 500
※ 로그인 포인트(EXP, CD)는 당일 직접 로그인창을 통해 로그인해야 적립됩니다.(로그인상태로 하루가 경과하더라도 자동적립되지 않습니다)

CD, LP, TP 포인트안내

  • CD 열심히 활동하면 CD가 한가득!

    CD는 아이돌차트를 이용하면서 얻을 수 있는 포인트로
    투표권 재충전, 투표 확장권, 닉네임 변경권, 이벤트 응모 등에 사용됩니다.

    - 로그인 시 레벨에 따라 차등 지급
    • 1~10 레벨 1CD+
    • 11~20레벨 2CD+
    • 21~30레벨 3CD+
    • 31~40레벨 4CD+
    • 41~50레벨 5CD+
    • 51~60레벨 6CD+
    • 61~70레벨 7CD+
    • 71~80레벨 8CD+
    • 81~90레벨 9CD+
    • 91~99레벨 10CD+
    • 100레벨 20CD+
    - 평점투표 참여 10CD+(1일 1회)
    - 기타 비정기적인 이벤트 통해 지급
  • LP LP구매하고 CD, TP 보너스도

    LP는 재화로 구매할 수있는 포인트로 투표권 재충전,
    투표 확장권, 내가 선택한 아이돌 변경권, 닉네임 변경권 등 구매에 사용됩니다.

    - LP 구매 ( 1LP 당 100원 )
    - 20LP이상 구매시 CD보너스 지급
    - 구매한 LP의 10%는 TP로 자동 적립
  • TP LP구매하고 TP 보너스 받아
    아이돌 이름으로 기부하자!

    TP는 LP구매시 획득할 수 있는 포인트로 해당 가수의
    이름으로 복지단체 후원용으로 사용 가능합니다.

    - 구매한 LP의 10%가 TP로 자동 적립
    • 각 스타의 프로필 페이지 ‘TP기부’ 메뉴에서 사용가능.

Idol-Chart Guide Line
[KOR]   [ENG]   [CHN]   [JPN]

How to authenticate member's cell phone?
。You can use all the content after ‘E-mail address’ and ‘Smartphone’ authentication on the Idol Chart.
。"Email address authentication" is only performed when you sign up on this site (Idol Chart), and other social login cases are not authenticated by email address separately.
If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, please double check your complete e-mail address or your "Junk Mail" folder. If you still do not receive e-mail, please contact us via the inquiry form on this site.
。"Smartphone authentication" was introduced to prevent multiple accounts from being created by dummy mail, and it is only done once when you sign up.
When you sign up for membership, you can enter your smartphone and mobile phone number in the form, and a confirmation SMS (short mail) will form. Next, enter the authentication number in the message sent to you in the form to complete the smartphone authentication.
If you have not finished the authentication when you join the membership, you can complete the authentication later by changing the basic settings on My Page.

How to obtain and use CD points, LP points, and TP points.
① How to obtain points
。 CD points can be obtained by using this site. After you sign up for membership, you will be automatically paid once a day depending on your level when you log in. The higher the level, the more points you get. In addition, you can earn an additional 10 CD points when participating in the "Rated ranking".

。LP points are points that can be purchased for a fee, and can be purchased from the ‘Shop Charge’ Shop menu. Also, when you purchase more than a certain amount of LP points, you will receive additional CD points.
。TP points are automatically available when you purchase LP points. 10% of the purchase price will be provided as TP points.

② Using Points
。 Acquired CD points and LP points are first used to purchase various items on the Item Shop in Store menu.

At "Items Shop",
▶Expanded ticket for the “Rated ranking” that allows you to increase the number of voting times for “Rated ranking” (※You can expand it up to 10 times).
▶recharge “Rated ranking” ticket which can be charged with the “Rated ranking” ticket possessed (※You can purchase it once a day)
▶"POLL Vote Extension Ticket" (※You can expand it up to 10 times)
▶POLL Vote Recharge Ticket (※You can purchase it once a day) where you can charge POLL Vote Ticket.
▶Nickname change ticket that allows you to change your nickname.
▶Ticket for changing the setting of the 'My Pick' (a ticket for changing the setting of 'My Pick') and so on.

。 Also, CD points and LP points can be used to apply for various events and participate in missions. Currently, the Idol Chart continues to carry out CD events with autographs and missions, and you can check the rewards available through events and missions from their respective menus.
。TP points are mileage that can be obtained only by donation, and can be used in the TP donation menu in each member's profile. 1TP point corresponds to 1 won, and if you donate more than 100,000 TP points by the end of every month, the amount will be donated to the HOLT Children's Welfare Association.The amount of money less than 100,000 TP points is also donated in bulk at the beginning of January every year.


。 All content except the TP point donation can use CD points and LP points in the same way.
。You can check the CD point, LP point, and TP point at My Page>Point/Payment History. (However, for CD points only, only history within two weeks will be displayed.)
What is the Level and EXP?
。 If you use various contents of the Idol Chart, EXP (experience value) will accumulate and you can raise the level.
→ You can get 10 EXP only once a day when you ▶log in, ▶vote for “Rated ranking”, and ▶Postings (up to 30 EXPs per day).
。 By accumulating EXP and raising the level, the amount of CD points that are paid daily when you log in will also increase. You will receive 1 CD point from level 1 to level 10, but when you reach the highest level of 100, you will receive 20 CD points.

How about participating in the “Rated ranking”?
。 The “Rated ranking” of the Idol Chart is only available for idols who have already been set as 'My Pick'.
For websites, the 'My Pick' can be set from "My Page" to "Basic Configuration Change" and for mobile devices, it can be set at the bottom of the "Menu".
In addition, the "My Pick" slot is initially awarded three, but you can use the "Rated ranking" voting to expand slots up to ten times. The slots number means the number of times you can participate in the “Rated ranking”. (After sign up, you can participate in the rating ranking as many as 3 times provided, and if you increase the number of setting slots to 10, you can participate 10 times.)


。You can check the various menus when you set up the member's name and enter the detail profile page after setting up the member's name. In addition, "multi-evaluation" on the menu allows you to score on your singing ability, performance and visuals.
Each time you join, you will be able to join up to 20 times a day, if you increase the number of participants to the maximum value in the "My Pick" configuration slot. (Slot maximum value 10 + Recharge ticket)
You can check the current aggregate number of participants on the Evaluation “Rate ranking” menu.


How to participate in POLL?
。You can participate as soon as you enter the POLL menu on the main page. However, in the case of POLL, you will be given one vote at first, and you can increase it up to 10 times with the POLL Vote Extension Ticket.
Similarly, if you extend the POLL ticket to the maximum value, you can participate in up to 20 votes a day (vote maximum value 10 + recharge ticket).


What are the benefits of being ranked in the Rate ranking or winning the POLL?
。Idol Chart send the results of Poll ranking (on Tuesday), the Idol Chart Ranking (AH-CHA Ranking, on Friday), and the Rate ranking (on Saturday) to each media as press materials.
If you win a POLL or rank high on the AH-CHA ranking, articles about the idol may be exposed to each media or portal site.(※Our Idol Chart will convert the contents of the results into materials and transmit them to each media, but the media has the authority to edit and publish the materials.)

。Additionally, AH-CHA ranking and Rated ranking will be broadcast on electronic message boards in Myeong-dong, Seodaemun, and Hapjeong in Seoul.

As for the AH-CHA ranking, from 1st to 10th place (1 to 3rd place includes images and images, only text is sent from 4th to 10th place), and as for the ranking of the evaluation points, the 1st to 3rd place of the number of participants.
In addition, special congratulatory videos will be sent separately to the monthly No.1 ‘participants’ and the monthly No.1 ‘LIKEs’ and the monthly No.1 ‘celebrity  donation’.

What is "mission" and "event"? How do you participate?
① Mission
。"Mission" is a content that can be reimbursed when the conditions set for each stage are met. We will inform you of the period of each mission and the composition of the reward through a separate announcement.
Participation in the Mission is possible through the Mission on each idol's profile page during the mission.50 CD points or 10 LP points are consumed per participation. If you participate 10 times by one person and once by 10 people, the impact on the mission will be exactly the same. Let's work together with a lot of users to clear the mission because the number of participants is the key to completing the mission.
The "mission" stage is divided into 1 to 10 stages, and the number of times you join the mission and the reward for each stage are subject to change each time.
There is also a special mission at the top of the "mission". The "special mission" has a level of participation that is almost impossible for individuals or small numbers of people, but it has a special response that is appropriate.(e.g. brand theater at the entrances of Hongdae station, media tower at Coex, electronic bulletin board at New York Times Square, etc.)
In addition, if the 'Mission' fails to achieve the first stage, the contract itself is considered not to be established, and all participating points are refunded. However, after the first stage is achieved, points will not be refunded regardless of whether or not they have been achieved.


② Event
。The event is non-periodic application-oriented content, and the related content is announced through the announcement.
The event's prizes are mainly CD autographed, and various other coupons and special gifts are offered.
You can apply for multiple applications, one application, and one-time-less application. For signed CDs with enough quantity, the process will be roughly multi-application.
Multiple applications consume 5 CD points or 1 LP point for each application, and one of the most applicants within the period is given a definitive prize.
The remaining prizes will be presented by lottery, and the higher the number of applications, the higher the probability of winning.
In addition, "one time application" is a method of consuming a determined CD point or LP point and selecting a winner by lottery, and "less application" is an application method in which the identification of the applicant is required.

Is it possible to raise the AH-CHA ranking?
。AH-CHA ranking is a chart designed to objectively measure the popularity of idols by ranking of domestic music sites, sales of music sources, YouTube views, articles and social media indexes, and expert grading. Of course, streaming music, CD purchase, YouTube playback, social media sharing, etc. may affect the ranking, but I think it's a little difficult to directly affect individuals or small numbers.
However, starting last year, they included the “Rate ranking” along with YouTube. This allows members to directly select the aggregate target of the charting (※All the idols ranked in the charting are now included in the charting).

What else can you do on the Idol Chart?
。Idol chart is making efforts every day to become a K-POP comprehensive site covering charts, news, and communities.
For this reason, through the AH-CHA Report and the New Song Introduction menu, we provide K-POP news such as columns, interview articles, and showcase reports of K-POP experts.
You can also watch various K-POP-related videos on AH-CHA TV.(※You can watch the video on the Idol Chart YouTube channel.)
The bulletin board menu allows you to write freely and use it as a forum for encouraging people and exchanging information among members.
In the Honorary Hall of Fame, you can check the records of each idol and the activities of each member.